Triacta Power Technologies Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EMF?
The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the others are gravitation, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction).

Is exposure to EMF bad for me?
Today people are beginning to realize the full extent that Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) are having on their health. Research has shown EMF as an influencing factor in diabetes1, cancer2, as well as epilepsy, migraines and multiple sclerosis

Electromagnetic fields generated from residential and office wiring are common sources of exposure to EMF. The average person spends most of their time in these environments — often in close proximity to electrical wiring systems used to power lights and appliances — increasing their risk to these conditions.

Desktop and bedside lighting put EMF sensitive people at particular high risk because lights are often positioned very close to the users head.

How much exposure puts me at risk?
There is an ever increasing awareness of the health risks associated with electromagnetic fields (EMF). The World Health Organization has established an exposure limit to EMF of 4 milligauss/m2 — determined through scientific research resulting from evidence of a higher occurrence of leukemia in children who were exposed to EMF.

More recent scientific research indicates that EMF exposure should be kept below 2 milligauss/m2 — especially for children. Exposure issues are greatest in areas where lighting may be in close proximity to a persons head, such as desk lamps or bedside tables.

Do DZAP CLEDs produce harmful EFM?
D-ZAP directional CLED bulbs produce negligible EMF and operate on only 3 watts of power. Designed for EMF sensitive people — the 3 Watt CLED is a great alternative to high EMF producing halogen or compact fluorescent lights.

D-ZAP CLED down-lights do not emit EMF. In fact, tests show when a 12 Watt CLED is turned on it actually reduces EMF on the line. Designed for EMF sensitive people — the 12 Watt DZAP CLED is a great alternative to EMF producing halogen and compact fluorescent lights.

What is Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS)?
It is estimated that 3% of the population is electro-hypersensitive. It is an irritation that may manifest itself in a number of ways from headaches, joint pain and attention deficit to migraines, diabetic shock and leukemia. It is commonly mis-diagnosed (as it is a fairly new phenomena) and often treated with anti-inflammatories.

What is the Electrical Dissonance Theory (EDT)?
Electrical Dissonance Theory (EDT) explains why five major chronic disease groups have exploded in the US since 1980. In the past five years science has linked cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and a dozen auto-immune diseases to chronic states of inflammation. The health costs and lost productivity from these diseases exceeds $700 billion annually and the human impact is beyond quantitative measurement.

EDT explains how frequency dissonance from electromagnetic fields is triggering our immune systems to begin to fight an unknown invader. Nature’s own immune response to foreign assaults immediately creates inflammation. Frequency dissonance, which refers to the unusable secondary frequencies, activates mast cells, which are the first line of defense in our immune response. Like second-hand smoke, it benefits no one but may be much more disruptive to our health than the primary signal.

Imagine an orchestra or band playing perfectly in tune and in time. Suddenly everyone randomly changes keys and detunes their instruments. The dissonance and cacophony caused by the change is grating and puts everyone on edge. This is what is happening to our body's immune system with frequency dissonance.


1 Havas, M. Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensi- tive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol. 27( 2), pp. 135-146 (2008).

2 Samuel Milham, MD, MPH, and L. Lloyd Morgan, A New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients Associated With In- creased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California School; American Journal of Industrial Medicine(2008).